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ADRC Minutes 05-19-2011
May 19, 2011, 5:45 p.m.

Members present: Rob Clapper, Marshall Montana, Charlie Regulbuto, David Scwabe, Dave Goslin

Staff present:  Michele R. Lipe, Town Planner

Chairman Rob Clapper called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.

  • Appl 11-03P, Medical Office building –review of proposed architectural changes to the approved building at 1559 Sullivan, RC zone
At the request of the applicant, this item did not go forward.

2.      Review of the Covered Batting Cages proposed at the Duprey Field, located on the northerly side of Ayers Road, easterly side of Nevers Road, RR zone

Ray Favreau, Director of Parks and Recreation, gave an overview of the project. Also present was George Kaye, Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission.

The plan calls for a 25’ X 50’ batting facility, to be constructed adjacent to the existing batting cages at the north end of the Larry Duprey Little League field. The structure will be open on both ends and will have a stone dust base.  The grade of the property is relatively flat in the location of this proposal.  The plans call for the addition of some landscaping treatment along the outside of the building to break up the side view.  There are no utilities proposed; although electrical service is available to the existing netted batting cages.  This project is proposed to be funded and constructed by the South Windsor Little League Association.  

The ADRC discussed the proposal. The ADRC had the following recommendations:
  • the facility should be painted with some neutral color such as tan or beige;
  • additional landscaping should be coordinated between Sup’t of Parks and the Town Planner;
  • the applicant should explore some way to secure the facility in the off-season.
Respectfully submitted:

Michele R. Lipe, AICP
Town Planner